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Central Casting


As the cartoonist, you are in charge of casting the right type of characters for the cartoon setting. And Bruce shows you how to create a cowboy-type, and absent-minded professor, an executive-type, and others. For the feature of the day, Bruce shows special guest, Dr. Joyce Brothers, and her granddaughter how to draw. For the doodle trick, Bruce turns the word “Joe” into a comic pirate, “Joe The Pirate”.


As the cartoonist, you are in charge of casting the right type of characters for the cartoon setting. And Bruce shows you how to create a cowboy-type, and absent-minded professor, an executive-type, and others. For the feature of the day, Bruce shows special guest, Dr. Joyce Brothers, and her granddaughter how to draw. For the doodle trick, Bruce turns the word “Joe” into a comic pirate, “Joe The Pirate”.


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